How the system operates
You must have a current Fire Risk Assessment for your premises in order to comply with the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005. The fire and rescue services no longer routinely inspect premises or issues fire certificates.
However, they will carry out checks to ensure that appropriate fire risk assessments are in place for a particular premise.
A failure to produce a suitable and adequate risk assessment may lead to a formal enforcement process being initiated and a possible prosecution.
Twrog Risk Consultants can help with your fire risk assessment processes. We will meet and review with you your fire safety management arrangements.
We will provide you with a comprehensive and easy to understand fire risk assessment document developed specifically for your situation.
The assessment will indentify what needs (if anything) to be done to comply with the law. A significant findings section will identify the principal issues identified by the risk assessment process and a hazard management section will outline how to address the issues identified.
We routinely carry out the risk assessment survey looking at it from the perspective of life safety. Obviously some aspects of the life safety review have an impact on the protection of the property but this may be purely coincidental.
We can however, review the assessment from a property protection perspective or a combination of life safety and property protection;
the client can choose which option he or she wishes to address but as we mentioned previously the default assessment position is that of life safety.
We can also provide technical guidance and advice on projects which do not meet compliance with Building Regulations. We can be your advocate in discussions you may wish to have with Building Control departments and the fire authority where it may have an interest in what is being.